Our Vision
To inspire, enable, and instill in learners the confidence that “I can do math”.

Our History
Eagles of Tomorrow Education Society has its origins in an initiative to bridge systemic gaps in mathematics fundamentals among Aboriginal children in inner city schools
in Vancouver, Canada.
In 2004, Rahael Koshy Jalan, a mathematician by profession, was asked to help with issues that hindered math proficiency among Aboriginal students.
Many Aboriginal students have the gift for learning Math but are underrepresented in the challenging Math 12 course and overrepresented in the Math courses that do not lead to a future in post-secondary education.
Rahael’s efforts to provide a means for enabling Aboriginal students to succeed in Mathematics resulted in the creation of the books “The Language of Mathematics”.
Tangible success was achieved in June 2009, when two students of Aboriginal ancestry successfully graduated from Britannia Secondary School with Principles Of Math 12…A FIRST at Britannia, where 30% of students are of Aboriginal ancestry. The program expanded to Templeton Secondary School and Windermere Secondary School in Vancouver.
Eagles of Tomorrow Education Society is a registered Canadian charity – founded by Rahael Koshy Jalan.

Encouraged by the effectiveness of the “Math Yes We Can” program, several organizations are implementing it to improve student success in mathematics

The success of Aboriginal students in the math program in Canada triggered its expansion to township children in South Africa.
In 2009 the ‘Math Yes We Can’ program which includes usage of ‘The Language of Mathematics’ books was launched by Dr. Rahael Koshy Jalan at Fezeka Secondary School, in the township of Gugulethu, Cape Town, South Africa.
Eagles of Tomorrow Africa under the leadership of Vimbai Nyatsambo was established in partnership with Eagles of Tomorrow.
The goal is to provide enhanced educational opportunities for marginalized children in underprivileged areas of Africa with a focus on mathematics and science.
The creation of Eagles of Tomorrow Africa is spearheaded by Vimbai Nyatsambo.

Inspired by the successes of the “Math Yes We Can” program in Canada and South Africa, Ms. Nandini Sonthalia and Ms. Swati Bedekar initiated the expansion of the program to India.
In March 2017 the “Maths Yes We Can Education LLP” was registered to implement the “Math Yes We Can” program in India. The education community in Vadodara, India, was quick to take advantage of the opportunity to train their teachers & familiarize them with “The Language of Mathematics” books.
Ms. Anjali Dave, Trustee for the Baroda High School, with extensive experience in teaching mathematics was very keen to bring the program to the Baroda Lions Club Educational Trust schools. In June 2016, Ms. Dave invited Dr. Rahael Koshy Jalan to conduct the first math teacher training workshop in India. In Dec. 2016 workshops were conducted at the Community Science Centre, Vadodara, where teachers and principals from various schools attended.
In Jan. 2017 the Faculty of Education at the M. S. University of Baroda organized a “Math Yes We Can” program seminar for B.Ed. students. The success of the workshops led to the implementation of the program in school classrooms in Vadodara, India. Feedback from teachers and students has been very positive.
Several teacher training sessions were held in Mumbai including one at the Bombay Teachers” Training College in Feb.2020
In 2019 Dr. Jalan conducted a workshop at the GWI centenary celebrations. Interest was shown by many countries.
In August 2019 a presentation was made at the M.C.E.Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior College in Pune, India.
The vision of this college is to impart higher education to the disadvantaged sections of society with a particular emphasis on girls education.
In March 2020, the ”Math yes We Can” program was implemented in the college.

Rahael Koshy Jalan, Swati Bedekar and Nandini Sonthalia
Graduate Women International (GWI) conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
Math Yes We Can workshop at the 100th anniversary conference of GWI

Rahael Koshy Jalan, and Nandini Sonthalia
Rahael presented the workshop
“Successful Strategies for Teaching and Learning Mathematics while supporting Human Rights”
Math Yes We Can workshop at the 100th anniversary conference of GWI

Rahael Koshy Jalan, with delegates from Africa
Graduate Women International (GWI) conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
Math Yes We Can workshop at the 100th anniversary conference of GWI